Lead Water Catastrophe
There has been a lot of media surrounding the Lead Water Catastrophe that contaminated the public water source in Flint Michigan. As with any story, there are two sides to the story; political, and scientific. No matter how the lead got into the water, or who is responsible for this catastrophic situation, I think we should all be more aware of the potential health concerns regarding lead found in water. It has been reported that the water source the town of Flint Michigan was temporarily using, contained high levels of lead. Flint was using this temporary water source until it’s water main was connected to lake Huron, The lead polluted water was in the city’s supply for some 18 months, causing numerous health problems, mostly in children, and are now unfortunately irreversible.
Taking Matters into Your Own Hands
Let’s face it, there is NO safe level for lead exposure. Nearly 20% of all lead exposure in children has been attributed to lead found in drinking water. Infants and young children are more susceptible to lead in water since they usually consume more water, and their bodies are in the beginning stages of development. The combination of the two causes a “bio-accumulation” (accumulation over a period of time) in their tiny bodies. The effects of such are devastating, to say the least, and may result in organ failure, coma, neurological conditions, convulsions and ultimately, death. Even the minor side effects are life changing in young children and can include flu like symptoms, gastrointestinal distress, cramps, irritability, fatigue, vomiting, constipation, sleep disorders and loss of appetite. Just as important, health problems such as cancer, stroke, memory loss, and in children, “brain development” is a major concern. The EPA states that lead is the most serious environmental hazard for children under 6 years old.
There are some things homeowners can do to prevent hazardous situations like lead entering the water in your home. Within our own plumbing systems, we can be exposed to “lead”, and other toxins when aggressive, acidic water dissolves the metal inside our pipes and fixtures. Aggressive water will deteriorate and damage household plumbing, thus allowing the lead from the pipe to disintegrate and leak lead into your water source. You can look out for signs of lead poisoning by paying particular attention to a few indicators. First, lead water may cause your laundry to be stained. Lead polluted water will often have a bitter taste to it.
While water is one of the most healthy resources we have, and is usually not dangerous to consume, there are safeguards that can be taken to ensure it’s highest quality. By installing a “Neutralizer” in your home, you can be in full control of the quality of water your family is consuming. R.E. Sanders has been installing water conditioners for over four decades. We have the expertise to efficiently treat your water for any condition including bacteria, nitrates, acid, or, if you just have hard water.
Call Today!!
At R.E. Sanders, Inc., we can check your water for acid and hard water with no cost to you. Bacteria and nitrate testing must be done at a certified lab and fees do apply. For additional information on the cause and effect of water contamination, or, to have your water checked, call us today at (717)843-7894. Or, if you prefer, log onto www.resandersplumbing.com and leave us a message or click to chat. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to our blog for the most recent and up to date trends in the heating and cooling, plumbing, and electrical industry.