The Cold is Here Check Out Our Winter Weatherization Tips
The cold weather has begun setting in for the winter. We wanted to take a moment to put a reminder in your ear regarding winter weatherization tips you should be paying attention to ensure you’re properly winterized.
List of Winter Prep
We’ve compiled a list that we’ll share in a moment, but we’d like to make ourselves available for those that need assistance during this stage in their life. We place enormous pride at RE Sanders for being on the forefront of customer service. Please call us today if you’d prefer having a professional maintain the details of your HVAC or Plumbing needs. You can reach us at 717-843-7894.
As promised, here are a few tips to follow to ensure you’re ready for a deep freeze.
Winter Weatherization Tips for Plumbing:
- Be sure you’ve detached all hoses.
- Make sure all valves are completely closed and the water from your frost-proof faucet has properly drained.
- If you have a standard valve, an option would be to use electric heat tape.
- If you don’t have a frost-proof faucet, make sure you’ve shut off the water source from inside your house.
- Pro Tip: the way to check if you have a frost-proof faucet is simple, if the shutoff valve is straight, as in, on the end of the valve, it’s a frost-proof faucet . If the shutoff valve is located on top the valve, it is not a frost-proof valve and additional steps should be taken to ensure it’s integrity, see pic below.
- Pro Tip: the way to check if you have a frost-proof faucet is simple, if the shutoff valve is straight, as in, on the end of the valve, it’s a frost-proof faucet . If the shutoff valve is located on top the valve, it is not a frost-proof valve and additional steps should be taken to ensure it’s integrity, see pic below.
Winter Weatherization Tips for Heating & Air Conditioning:
- Change Hi/Low Registers; in the heating season, be sure the register closest to the floor is open, and the one closest to ceiling is closed.
- Change all air filters. Pay close attention to ensure you’ve changed all of them as some homes have more than one filter.
- If you’ve chosen to use heat tape to prevent frozen pipes, be sure they are plugged in and operable.
- If your HVAC System is equipped with a humidifier, now’s the time to disassemble and properly clean the unit to ensure the maximum potential of the system.
- Pro tip: While you’re cleaning your humidifier, be sure the valve to the water supply is “on”.
- If equipped, change the bulb in your bacteria light annually.
- Have your HVAC equipment cleaned and tuned by a certified HVAC Specialist.
- Check and clean the bottom of the flue, or exhaust opening to ensure there is unrestricted air flow to the outside.
- Pro tip: This is very important as a clogged vent system will cause harmful Co2 to flow back into your home and through your living area, which could lead to possible death.
We hope you enjoyed this article and found it to be helpful, and if you have any questions or need assistance, please call RE Sanders Inc. at 717-843-7894. We are available 24 hours a day for any emergency situation, so don’t hesitate to give us a call…it’s what we do!
R.E. Sanders Inc.
1111 N. George Street York, PA 17404
Telephone: 717-843-7894
email: resandersinc@gmail.com